Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Political Potpourri and/or Pastiches

FEBRUARY 22, 2007 --

An LPR Grumble Is Awarded To:

Lincoln Center for shortening its parking discount time one-half hour, from 10 A.M. to 9.30 A.M. LPR learned to its great dismay, February 16, that by this half-hour change, what would have been a parking fee of $11 was now a charge of $24.

An LPR Thank You Is Accorded To:

Paris, France for its interest in LPR this month, even though je ne sais quoi -- les mots to that effect.

LPR's Political Resolution:

Whereas, Republican senators Coleman, Collins, Hagel, Smith, Snowe, Specter and Warner joined Senate Democrats in voting in favor of the no-confidence in President Bush in time of war resolution and,

Whereas, Independent Democratic senator Lieberman joined Senate Republicans in opposing the no-confidence in President Bush in time of war resolution, be it hereby

Resolved that Senate Democrats and Republicans send a clear message to the American people and trade the senators named in the first preambular paragraph,
herein, for the senator named in the second preambular paragraph, herein.

A Parking Fine Too Far:

New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg backed down from his original announcement that alternate side of the street regulations were in effect Thursday,
following Wednesday's snow and ice storm, and declared Friday that summonses issued Thursday and
Friday would be nullified by computer.
LPR wonders if this is further indication Hizzoner will run for president next year.

Discredit Cards:

LPR suggests that truth-in-labeling requires that credit cards be known as discredit cards, the extortionate rates on the cards indicating that the issuing banks do not believe in their customers' good faith. LPR has heard radio commercials that warn listeners that banks hope to get their customers hooked on credit cards and held in debt for life.

LPR is fascinated that apparently no one in Congress -- pro-Bush or anti-Bush -- is willing to take notice of these commercials, apparently placed by groups offering ways to alleviate the discredit card debt burden.

Surprise, Surprise:

LPR has seen a report that members of Congress have already found ways to evade recent restrictions on campaign contributions. For LPR, the emphasis on campaign fundraising is proof positive that the primary aim of officeholders is re-election, not service to the public.

LPR (Let's Positively Regress):

LPR continues to believe that our Founders knew what they were doing when they provided for popular election of the House of Representatives and indirect
election (via the state legislatures) of the U.S. Senate.

LPR does not believe, however, that the early 20th century progressives necessarily realized what they were doing in abandoning the election-to-the Senate legacy of the Founders (unraveling, in
pertinent part, the Founders' federal blueprint, among other things).

For LPR, the action taken by the progressives, with adoption of the 17th Amendment, has proved positively regressive.

The War in Washington:

Senator Clinton has indicated she is not at all hesitant

To send a clear message about the Iraq war to... the president

And yet the focus of the senator's concern is, I think, somehow sad

As it suggests that W is the foe, not the guys in Iraq who are bad

A 3-Step Nightmare for the Democratic Presidential Candidates:

1) President Bush is impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate

2) Vice President Cheney becomes president and is then impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate

3) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi becomes president …