Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

The President and Hillary Clinton

June 19, 2016 --

The President, in his Second Inaugural:

“[O]ur country cannot succeed what a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it.”

Ms. Clinton, speaking to La Raza, more than two and a half years later:

“[C]orporate profits are at near record highs. Paychecks, however, have barely budged. Families today are stretched in so many directions, and so are their budgets.”

LPR: And Ms. Clinton is going to run on the Obama record?

Speech Control, Next?

Ms. Clinton said, on ABC’s “This Week,” June 5 that constitutional rights are “subject to reasonable regulation.” She was referring to the Second Amendment and the gun control issue. LPR would be interested in a question directed to Ms. Clinton whether the First Amendment can withstand presidential action against “hate speech.”

Did you know…

…that Bill Clinton received more than $16 million, from 2010-2014 to be honorary chancellor of a for-profit university, Laureate International Universities, and that a not-for-profit arm of Laureate got some $55 million in grants from the State Department when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state?

Name your choices

LPR calls on Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump (unless he suspends his campaign due to the ultrasuper-Borking underway against him) to give us their cabinet choices by the end of the national conventions. LPR thinks Trump should make Rep. Dave Brat his v.p. pick, Newt Gingrich, secretary of state, and Neil Barofsky, secretary of the treasury. Ben Carson? Health and Human Services, of course.