Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

The LPR Guide to Protestocracy
in Six Simple Steps

May 15, 2014 --

Step One: In a country of millions of people, elect a president by democratic vote.

Step Two: Gather in a public square in the country's capital a crowd large enough to be called "thousands of demonstrators" in media accounts.

Step Three:
Officials in the West decry efforts to remove the protesters as unacceptable and not befitting a democracy.

Step Four: The democratically-elected president of a country with millions of people ether accepts the demands of the "thousands of demonstrators" or leaves office (possibly fleeing his country).

Step Five: If the democratically-elected president of a country with millions of people resigns due to demands of "thousands of protesters" he will be succeeded by an interim and unelected president.

Step Six: Repeat steps 1-5.