Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

A Modest Thought for Public Comfort Stations

April 19, 2016 --

North Carolina has been in the news, lately, over a controversy sparked by a bill, quoting a New York Times story, April 13, “limiting transgender bathroom access,” among other things.

The issue has reportedly caused a sharp divide in North Carolina, with opponents of the law threatening to boycott North Carolina. (New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, in high dudgeon, has barred certain types of travel to North Carolina.)

LPR publicly asks The New York Times and North Carolina – is this really about access to a room with a bath in it? That noted, LPR has a thought: apply the invidious “separate but equal” formula to require an end to separate comfort stations for men and women.

Once we have only unisex comfort stations, the issue gets resolved and people will have to find something else as an excuse to hold a boycott which, according to a New York Times editorial, December 21, 1992, “is a legitimate weapon in a democratic society and, historically, one of the most effective.”

More on Gov. Cuomo

Doesn’t a ban on interstate travel by a state governor interfere with interstate commerce and, thereby, violates the federal construct that the Constitution provides? Would the Supreme Court uphold a wall constructed by Gov. Cuomo separating New York from, say, Connecticut?

Still More on Gov. Cuomo

April 19 is Primary Day in the state of New York. It is Primary Day for the Democrats and also Primary Day for the Republicans. LPR wonders how the Republican Primary can take place in view of Gov. Cuomo’s pronouncement, in January 2014, that “conservatives” with “extreme” views “have no place in the state of New York.” You can’t tell LPR that the New York governor doesn’t consider Ted Cruz or Donald Trump anything but extreme conservatives. Can we be certain, as of this writing (April 13) that Gov. Cuomo won’t order Ted Cruz and Donald Trump removed from voting booths, giving John Kasich his second primary win? On the other hand, if the governor permits extreme conservatives on ballots in New York state, perhaps his ban on certain forms of travel to North Carolina shouldn’t be taken to heart.