Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
LPR's Questions for President Bush

JANUARY 29, 2007 --

Mr. President, you have indicated that our mission in Iraq is part of the fight against terrorism, LPR has been hearing the violence in Iraq termed "sectarian" and/or an "insurgency."

Is Iran and/or Syria contributing to the violence in Iraq; if so should we taken action against Iran and/or Syria -- and what form should this action task?

Would you explain the connection between Iraq's "insurgency" or "sectarian" violence -- or even civil war -- and our fight against terrorism?

Who are the insurgents and what are their aims; who is responsible for the sectarian violence and what are their aims; are the insurgents separate from the contending sectarian forces?

Accepting your argument that we are fighting in Iraq to keep terrorism from our shores, is our role that of a referee among contending factions, or as an ally of one of the parties? Lastly, who, in Iraq, is the enemy and who is our ally -- and what is our ally doing 1) to prevail and 2) to be helpful in the war against terror?