Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Finally, The Republican National Convention

July 5, 2016 --

In two weeks the Republicans will convene in Cleveland, home to the Cavaliers, who defeated the Gold State Warriors for the NBA Championship. It might be noted that the Cavs were down 3-1 and won the title by winning three straight games from the Warriors. The presumed GOP nominee, Donald J, Trump is at no less a money disadvantage against the Democrats’ presumed nominee, Hillary Clinton. Can Trump overcome this disadvantage? LPR believes he can, if he points out that Democrats now lauding Ms. Clinton for her fund-raising success previously could be heard to criticize the corrupting role of money upon our politics. Does the name Citizens United ring any leftist bells? A Trump win on a fraction of the dollars spent by the Clinton campaign would be a blow to fat-cat politics – indeed a blow that would embarrass leftists like Sen. Bernie Sanders who usually decry the corrupting role of money on our politics.

The demonization of Donald J. Trump will continue unabated, of course, in leading leftist newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post. By November 8 (Election Day) will there yet be a person to be found who at least once met Mr. Trump and has some nasty words to say about him?

On the issue of temperament, Thomas F. McLarty, former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, pointed out in an op-ed article in The Wall Street Journal, October 21, 2014, that critics of President Obama wondered “whether he had the temperament to lead a divided nation.” Mr. McLarty thought he did. LPR was curious that the issue was not whether the president had the temperament to bring a divided nation together.

For LPR, President Obama has the temperament to divide our country.

LPR would also point out that, on information and belief, Ms. Clinton was not the first person to claim Donald Trump was not fit to be president.

The New York Times, December 9, 2015, reported that White House press secretary Josh Earnest declared at his daily brief that Donald Trump was not qualified to be president.

If Donald J. Trump is the Republican nominee for president and goes on to win the election, it might well be said that never before in our political history have so many” elitists” devoted so much energy to demonize one aspirant for the White House.

(LPR does not expect that The New York Times will estimate the dollar value to the Clinton campaign of all the Never Trump articles, editorials, and columns published throughout the leftist media.)

May the good sense of the American people see through the media bias leaning towards electing our first woman, and imperial, president.