Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Random Observations

November 19, 2016 --

We need a book about print and television news coverage of the 2016 presidential campaign – a book focusing on the pravdization of the media -- the corrupting influence of leftthink on the political process.

The 2016 election campaign represented the defeat of the counter-revolutionary movement, a movement opposed to the Constitution’s emphasis on limited government and individual rights. This Counter Revolution is committed to identification by group and government by arbitrary rule handed down by elites; it is a movement dedicated to the effective return of the feudal mindset. The defeat incurred by the Counter Revolution is merely a setback. The Counter Revolution will not rest until the results of November 8, 2016 are crushed, along with the freedom-loving spirit of America.

Peggy Noonan, in her Wall Street Journal column, November 5-6, wrote that the Democratic Party “is now kept together by one central organizing principle: the brute acquisition of power, and holding on to that power no matter what.” She continued, “The worst members of the party appear to care almost nothing about what that power is used for, how it will be wielded to achieve higher purposes. They’re just making a living.” A very, very nice living, LPR would add, while the Democrats (and their Never Trumper allies) tell ordinary Americans they need to accept economic realities and move on. Including the Never Trumpers in The Snob Set, LPR cautions Donald J. Trump about welcoming them back to the Republican fold.

Remember, Donald, Never Trumpers like George Will were ready to let ordinary Americans continue to suffer under leftist , anti-constitutional oppression.

There was no Republican candidate on the California ballot for United States senator. The race was between two Democrats. Where is the outrage? Apparently a race limited to Democrats is perfectly acceptable in Leftworld. Republicans, is it also acceptable for you?

Donald J. Trump is the bravest politician in the country. LPR has contended that if Republicans are unwilling to defend themselves against leftist attack, they do not encourage ordinary citizens to believe that they will stand with them. By defending himself, often alone, against vicious, demagogic attack, Donald J. Trump encouraged ordinary Americans to believe that he will stand with them against the enemies of liberty.