Saturday, May 04, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Random Observations

December 5, 2016 --

Why, oh, why, did Donald J. Trump go to The New York Times for an interview, November 22?. Did he expect to soften the paper’s hostility to him? LPR has an idea the paper already prepared an editorial demanding his impeachment. An editorial on the Trump visit ended by declaring that the paper won’t trust him. The lead story in the Times, November 28 proclaims: “TRUMP PROMOTES/A BASELESS CLAIM/ON ILLEGAL VOTING.” Behold: The New York Times: one big anti-Trump editorial.

Nearly one year before Donald J. Trump announced he was a candidate for the presidency, LPR carried this lead, July 1, 2014: “The New York Times Transformed — From Newspaper to Partisan Zealot.” The paper’s political partisanship was made clear to LPR by its June 20, 2014 news article on the John Doe prosecutions in Wisconsin, and its follow-up editorial on the subject, June 21.

New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin was still at the Daily News when, February 15, 2009, he wrote that President Obama (in office little more than three weeks.) “is shutting out views that don’t match his own.” Doesn’t this suggest an authoritarian mindset? As LPR sees it, it is certainly what the left is all about. Some New York Times columnists have already called for resistance to Donald J. Trump. LPR expects that freedom-lovers will… resist… their call.

Here’s how Hillary Clinton could win recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania: all her lawyers need to do is persuade federal judges that votes for Trump are evidence of “hate speech” and, consequently, must be nullified. Isn’t this, after all, kind of what happens in Cuba?

LPR would look forward to a poll of leftists: Who is the real dictator—Trump or Castro? LPR has a hunch Trump would win in a landslide.