Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Reform -- Don't Tinker

JANUARY 22, 2006 --

The Washington Post in a front page story, January 17, reported that House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert is now "leading a push to tighten rules on lobbying."

For LPR, rule-tightening is no more than tinkering for public relations effect.
LPR would prefer to hear our national leaders commit themselves to the counsel in Federalist 57 that they serve "the common good" and stay close to the people.

Reform implies a change of heart.
Washington lobbyists, as Brit Hume suggested on Fox News, have a First Amendment right to petition government. Lobbyists do not, however, have a constitutional right to get preferred treatment.

LPR wonders why our national leaders have difficulty in reaffirming the good government principles in Federalist 57.

Unless, of course, the political culture in Washington has yet to reform -- to change its heart in the direction of our legacy of liberty, equality and justice and a political system where officials are elected to serve the people, not lord over them.