Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Republican Candidates Take Charge

November 5, 2015 --

Representatives of the Republican presidential field met, November 1 in Alexandria, Virginia to find ways and means, as LPR sees it, of protecting their candidacies from hostile media debate moderators -- and a passive Republican National Committee (RNC) that enables media hostility toward Republicans. It took six days from The New York Times to comment on the debate debacle.

LPR had a hunch that the editors at The New York Times high-fived each sneering, derisive, insulting, badgering question or comment that the CNBC moderators directed at the Republican candidates.

Finally, in its lead November 3rd editorial, "Saving Candidates From Themselves," The New York Times commented that the GOP candidates "were frothing over their treatment" by the CNBC moderators, offered petty sarcastic comments, went on to refer to the candidates as "hotheads," and -- here is the key point --advised: "The R.N.C. would do well to exert whatever influence it has. It is the party's job, not the media's, to save the Republican presidential candidates from themselves."

LPR is confident that The New York Times is very well-disposed towards a Republican National Committee that, like the faux-conservatives who regularly appear in the editorial section of the Times, takes pleasure in demonizing people committed to our founding principles -- true conservatives, and serving up conservative candidates to a frothingly-zealous anti-conservative media -- that is to say, a media opposed to America's founding principles.

LPR is not confident that the Republican National Committee does not hope for words of approval from The New York Times. Should the Republican National Committee cite the Times editorial, November 3, as reason for the candidates to rally round its campaign leadership, the RNC will merely give added reason for observers to wonder whether it has been infiltrated by leftists -- or its leadership is simply incompetent.

Is it possible that Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus is unaware that while the words of the slogan of The New York Times say "'All the News That's Fit to Print'" -- the message of the Times is clearly "All the News That Fits Our Leftist Agenda."