Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Tim Russert Meets Sen. Frist

JANUARY 29, 2006 --

Tim Russert interviewed Senate Republican leader Dr. Bill Frist, Sunday and, among other things, challenged his position on the Terri Schiavo case.

Mr. Russert presented the view that persons seeking to keep the tragic Mrs. Schiavo alive had a particular agenda, playing to right-wingers.

Sen. Frist pointed out that Mrs. Schiavo's parents, indeed all her blood relatives, wanted to keep her alive.

Sen. Frist also didi not shrink from stating
that Mrs. Schiavo was killed.

For LPR, there might well have been an agenda motivating some -- an agenda stemming from Roe v. Wade, and concern that if Mrs. Schiavo were permitted to remain alive by judicial decision, said decision might lead to adverse rulings on abortion rights.