Tuesday, May 07, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

The New York Pravda Will
Not Let Go of Russiagate

August 22, 2020 --

The New York Pravda, with its offices at 620 Eighth Avenue, in Manhattan, did not run the second day of the Democratic National Convention as its lead, August 19.  Instead, it dredged up a curious report from the Senate Intelligence Committee as its lead, no doubt because  the paper  found a basis to allege that the 2016 Trump presidential campaign had links with Russians, who were working to undermine democracy in the United State and help elect Donald Trump as president. 

LPR did not find information in the invidious piece of anti-Trump propaganda as to how the Russians tried to undermine our democratic institutions, or tried to help elect Donald Trump the 45th president.  The report, itself is a curiosity; LPR has no idea why Senate Republicans would give the manipulative Democrats the opportunity to continue to try and undermine the Trump presidency by means of the Russia hoax.

What The New York Pravda has done, since August 2016, if not earlier, is to try its utmost to prevent the election of President Trump and, after his election, sought to oust him from office.   For the Rejectionists our Constitution is unconstitutional if Donald Trump can, pursuant to its procedures, become Chief Executive. 

In truth, every slur hurled at our president by the Rejectionists, describes their own, malodorous, conduct.   It is they who would be arbitrary, they who would be authoritarian, they who would be dictatorial rather than representative.

Someone who once was a Republican should no longer be considered a Republican if he or she gives aid and comfort to the Rejectionists.  In that vein, LPR is puzzled that a Republican could not think to refer to a former Ohio Republican governor who addressed the Democratic National Convention as John Kaswitch.