Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Salting the Streets of New York

February 1, 2014 --

To deal with snow accumulations, New York City regularly heaps mounds of rock salt on roadways , and sidewalks in the vicinity of parks, schools and overpasses. The sidewalks in front of apartment buildings and stores are covered with chemicals almost as soon as a snowflake appears. The aftermath: holes appear in the roadways, sidewalks begin to crumble, and a sickly white coating remains for days after.

LPR is waiting for the study on the harmful impact of toxic salt on humans. After all, if the stuff tears open asphalt and cement, what might it do to eyes, nasal passages, lungs and blood pressure? Obviously, all this toxic stuff, also, is not helpful to dogs.

Environmentalists, animal rights people -- where are you?