Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Explaining the Assault on the Tea Party?

January 15, 2014 --

Ray Ginger, in Age of Excess, attributed the "Populist collapse" in the South in the 1890s to "[t]he well-to-do leaders of the Democratic party [who] had demonstrated that they would do anything to keep control." Ginger indicated that the Democratic establishment's measures against Populists included voter fraud, ballot-stuffing and incitement of anti-black bias.

LPR wonders how far the GOP establishment will go against Tea Party conservatives "to keep control." LPR agrees with Mark Levin that the GOP establishment would prefer the election of a leftist to a Tea Party conservative. If the GOP establishment destroys the Tea Party movement, LPR sees the eventual co-opting of the GOP establishment by the left, thereby transforming American politics into a single player system.