Monday, May 06, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
'Tis the Season …

DECEMBER 19, 2006 --

Last week, LPR gathered images of this Christmas season, and of events at clubs, among other things.

The photo of the Chase sign is not really a seasonal image -- because it's continued
use of the 29.99% interest rate is in effect
throughout the year, not just for Christmas.

Chase sign

As previously noted, here, though, this usurious interest rate certainly reflects the "crush the rabble" business approach of the cinematic Henry F. Potter, the banker
in "It's a Wonderful Life."

The difference between Potter and Scrooge, of "A Christmas Carol"? --Scrooge returned to humanity.

New York's thoroughfares seem particularly tied up Christmas time, but, alas, the practice of double double-parking -- reducing three lane avenues to one
lane -- also occurs throughout the year.

Double, double parking on Lexington Avenue.

One Lane on Madison Avenue.

Where, Mayor Bloomberg, are your Parking Violations ticket-issuers when they are really needed? Note that even school buses add to the double double parking problem.

LPR recently saw a school bus with an ad on the side.

School bus and ad

Ads in schools -- the next advertising frontier? How about getting corporations to purchase name rights to individual schools? There are, after all, only a small
number of ballparks to name for our large
corporations. This program, to bring a new source of dollars to education could be called EDUCATE. (LPR leaves it to clicksters to come up with the words for
this anagram.)