Sunday, May 05, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Concerning Donald J. Trump

December 19, 2015 --

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, December 13, concluded an argument against stereotyping "1.6 billion Muslims because of their faith" with this statement: "Yes, the Islamic world today has a strain of dangerous intolerance. And for all of America's strengths as a society, as Donald Trump shows, so does America." Mr. Kristof thereby shows himself very capable of committing the invidious stereotyping he claims to oppose. It seems to LPR that ISIS is guilty of something mroe than mere intolerance. It seems to LPR that to suggest a comparison of Donald Trump with ISIS is to betray all loss of rational thought.

(For LPR, Trump's major character flaw is not intolerance, but narcissism, and LPR expects that it is this flaw that will put an end toMr. Trump's political aspirations.)