Sunday, May 12, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

LPR to Lundberg: Enough!
Your explanations for spiking gas prices are no longer believable.

The View From LPR

MAY 9, 2007 --

LPR welcomes Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh to our country. Just wonders why the custom --"When in Rome" -- doesn't apply to Her Majesty.

Rudy Giuliani will not be the GOP nominee for president, next year, the prediction of a Rudy nomination from Dick Morris notwithstanding.

Morris says Giuliani needs to come up with a domestic program. LPR believes the former mayor has one -- it is: You do what I say, whatever I say and whenever I say it.

(LPR learned this from the way Rudy worked the Dayton Seaside property taxes to get new owners at these three Queens apartment buildings.)

LPR hopes Lundberg does not cite the terrible tornadoes in Kansas as the reason why gas prices break $4 a gallon -- when
they do.

LPR wonders why the credit card crunching companies have not attributed their usurious interest rates to the fight against global-warming. Certainly 29% interest rates make things pretty hot for cardholders.
Will Democrats who say the American people declared, last November, we should leave Iraq now, please tell us which winning Democrats made Iraq retreat their top issue -- and also explain Sen. Lieberman's Connecticut victory?

If, as Kenneth R. Timmerman wrote at NewsMax, May 7, Nicholas Sarkozy got elected French president by learning from George Bush how to speak to voters directly, -- not through the leftist media, M. Narkozy needs to remind the reportedly 28% popular Mr. Bush how to renew direct contact with the people.

(LPR wonders: how soon until the anti-Sarkozy strikes and demonstrations begin in France? Oops. The demonstrations are reported to have begun.)

Speaking of NewsMax, LPR clicked an editor's note: "Lou Dobbs is saving a troubled nation." No page was found.

The party line returns.

Democrats have indicated that they will not use the term: "the war on terrorism."

Violators will be impeached, or otherwise subpoenaed?

Roger Clemens returns. Mr. Clemens (also of Boston, Toronto and Houston) announced, May 6, that he will again pitch for the New York Yankees.

LPR would not be surprised to see Mr. Clemens on the pitching mound at the Yankees' new home, in 2009 with his season, that year, beginning in July. And with Mr. Clemens succeeding Mariano River as the Yankees' closing relief pitcher.

It is, however, not clear if this is the tentative first step to two-platoon baseball-- with younger players on the roster from April to June and, uh, more senior players finishing the season. Seasoned players you could say.

MLB refers to Major League Baseball. Would mlb refer to minor league baseball?