Saturday, May 11, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

WSJ's Latest Attack on Populism What is WSJ Afraid Of?

NOVEMBER 20, 2007 --

There the Wall Street Journal went, again -- this time in its lead editorial, November 13.  

This invidious editorial thundered that claims economic inequality is moving up and economic opportunity is moving down are "so much populist hokum."

What are the Wall Street Journalutocrats talking about?  Populism is the legacy our founders gave us. Would they write about "so much liberty hokum" -- "so much free enterprise hokum?"  

Do they have a clue that the essence of populist is explained in the first half of Federalist 57 and summed up by President Lincoln in his concluding words at Gettysburg?

If the Journalutocrats see demagoguery in expressions of concern about an income gap that is one thing.  To equate populism with demagoguery is the  accusation of a neo-aristocrat -- indicating a moving away from the people, just as "liberals" do.

Briefly stated: as Madison suggested in Federalist No. 57,  a populist stands with the people.  As Hamilton suggested in Federalist No. 1,  a demagogue panders to the people for the purpose of tyrannizing them.